We are looking for like-minded people who share our values and thought leaders who would help us with the demand idea extension and, consequently, today's cherishing of man-creator
Our Values
The first and the most important:
creativity - the main feature of human being that distinguishes his/her from any other creatures that inhabit our planet
Knowledge (Self-Knowledge)
"Know Thyself" c) The process of real knowledge formation that is the form of objective reality representation. Our own reflection provides it with the gist, new quality - self-knowledge, - its sense is the knowledge of your physical and mental abilities and finding your place in the society. This is an endless path to verity or very short one to ignorance.
Development (Self-Development)
The process of quality change and transition from one quality condition to another, obligatory, higher and more complicated. A halt is equal to regress and loss in this game of life. It is a highly energy-consuming process which requires from your personality a lot of endeavors and constant work on yourself. This path allows to fulfill oneself, find the positive qualities, abilities, and dispositions that person can turn into aptitudes, and talent - into a permanent feature of character.
Accomplishment (Self-Fulfillment)
This is your true way to happiness! Only the fulfillment of your capabilities, the thing you were born for, will bring satisfaction and happiness.
Accomplish what you dream about, receive planned results, and enjoy.
Creativity is a resultant; it is not possible without other significant components: love, empathy, responsiveness, sincerity, openness, and many other virtues
Our Visions:
— disappearance of 95% of present-day professions — fundamental change in the education system, health care, and others — change, up to complete loss of a significant number of country institutions, and in the future disappearance of countries as they are understood today — loss of most of the money's functions, first of all, as a value standard
The good news is that it all will come with the inherent in post-industrial epoch values based on creativity and personal fulfillment.
We do understand that tomorrow will bring great changes in people's professional activity. First of all, it pertains to routine and ineffective work that undergoes automation nowadays.
Man-creator is what will remain as something worthy in the future alongside with disappearance of many existing professions.
And if one adds the substitutions of different kinds of creating with artificial intelligence that is based on the combinatorial set (combination of existing components), "pure quantum creativity" remains. The main idea worth spreading is the appearance of such creativity on one's own accord, its stimulation, raising, and cherishing!
What do we offer
Creativity as opposed to "Rat Race." A man is not a small screw in the production line of the industrial epoch as well as in any other line. One should realize it and let others understand it too
Ambitious goal
The talent support and creativity stimulation is an ambitious aim for ambitious people.
We do it on our own, propagate among others, and provide all interested with such service.
Let's win together
In fact, this is a challenge to yourself. Are you ready to change yourself? Your effectiveness is the constant process of improvement and learning. "Do it yourself, do as we do, do it better than we!"
No easy ways. What may wait on you: Hardships and obstacles. Absence of interest and disregard. Possible aggression from those who suppose that nothing should change. What is more, this is the potential opportunity to join the team of like-minded people ImeStar.
We do not pay. At the present moment, we don't have deserving means for an adequate estimation of this high purpose. It is pure volunteering. The main reward we offer is to participate in the advent of future (although, it's clear that it will come anyway), winning the victory over yourself and fulfilling the fantabulous task.
Who are we?
We are a small group of like-minded people who for a long time think of how should a man change in order to be needed and successful in the future. Considering and analyzing available options, the most credible scenario should be the development of the main human feature - ability to create something absolutely new. This very "quantum creativity" will be the real competitive advantage of a person in contrast with the numerous army of automated systems linked by artificial super intelligence.
Do not be a small screw; it is a priori losing position in the competition with those who are absolute in the rules and action algorithms. Be a man, be spontaneous, be Creator.
Perhaps, this is the main reason why you are here. This is what brings happiness. And as Volodymyr says, "It's joyful:)"